How to get here?
Transport to Tahko
Thanks to its central location, Tahko is easily accessible from anywhere in Finland.
- The nearest airport is Kuopio Airport in Rissala, 50km away
- Fly HEL – KUO in under an hour
- Connections are available by flat-rate and round-trip taxis, every day throughout the year
- The nearest train station is at Siilinjärvi, 40km away
- Connections from Helsinki
- Connections from Turku-Tampere-Jyväskylä
- Contact Rovaniemi, Oulu, Iisalmi
- Nearest town center is Nilsiä, 10km away
- Local buses and Tahko Skibus
- Nearest large town is Kuopio, 60km away
- Local buses

local bus transport
“Vilkku” bus 61T schedules 8.8.2024-1.6.2025.
A direct way from Kuopio to Tahko.

Tahko’s Free Skibus
operates during winter season
Schedules valid 2.12.2024-21.4.2025.
Navigate in the area or use as connection transport.