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Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

TAHKOcom Ltd, Central booking office´s  terms of reservation, payment and cancellation

The following terms apply to all international reservations. The terms become binding for the customer, when the customer confirms his/her preliminary reservation as final or makes directly a final reservation. All the reservations done through the online service of Central Booking office TAHKOcom Ltd are final reservations. The terms become binding for TAHKOcom Ltd, when TAHKOcom Ltd has received the customer’s payment and a grown-up person who has made the reservation, has filled in the passenger card.

These terms also apply to reserving other travel services through TAHKOcom ltd. The terms of domestic reservations may vary. Right to alterations reserved. 

1. Preliminary reservation, confirmation of the reservation, final reservation, invoice, payment and reservation documents

TAHKOcom Ltd may take preliminary reservations under consideration. A preliminary reservation will be deleted automatically after the date of confirmation, if it the customer has not contacted us and confirmed it as final. At certain points in time or for certain apartments can be made only final reservations, and also if less than 30 days remains till the start of the accommodation period, the reservation can be made only as final. 

The final reservation will be confirmed, when the customer has made the preliminary payment (20 % of the total accommodation price in the holiday apartment) + processing fee 20 EUR by the due date shown in the invoice or paid the reservation sum completely through the online service of the Central Booking Office. Online reservations do not have the 20 EUR processing fee if the payment is done in its entirety Online. When the reservation is paid using credit card, a credit card fee will apply. The second part of the payment (= 80%) must be made no later than 42 days before the beginning of the reservation. If the reservation is made later than 42 days before the beginning of the period reserved, only one invoice covering the total payment will be sent to the customer (on reservations made online, the total reservation sum expires immediately). When making the payment through online Internet bank or by credit card, the total reservation sum expires immediately.
Visa invitation will be sent only after the reservation is completely paid off.

Payment service provider
Paytrail Oyj (2122839-7) acts as an implementer of the payment handling service and as a Payment Service Provider. Paytrail Oyj will be shown as the recipient in the invoice and Paytrail Oyj will forward the payment to the merchant. Paytrail Oyj is an authorized Payment Institution.

Paytrail Oyj, business ID 2122839-7
Innova 2, Lutakonaukio 7, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
tel. +358 207 181830

Paytrail Oyj (FI2122839) provides netbank related payment transfer services in co-operation with Finnish banks and credit institutions. For consumer the service works exactly the same way as traditional web payments.
With the invoice/payment confirmation, the customer will receive information on the holiday apartment and its accessories, as well as directions on where to get the keys, and how to get to the holiday home. When the payment is made through the online service of the Central Booking Office, the customer will receive the reservation confirmation and information on the holiday home and its accessories, as well as directions on where to get the keys, and how to get to the holiday home, by email / ordinary mail, on the following business day after the payment. 

If the customer does not make the payments by the due date, the reservation will no be confirmed and TAHKOcom Ltd may one-sidedly cancel the reservation and put the apartment back on sale again. The fact of not making the reservation payment is not considered as a cancellation by the customer, and the reservation payment will be charged from the person who made the reservation if he/she has not cancelled the reservation! If the apartment/cottage, released for sale, is managed to be rented out to another customer, TAHKOcom Ltd can, under consideration, reduce the sum charged from the customer who has not made the payment. 

2. Obligation to provide personal data 

According to the Finnish law on accommodation, all travellers must fill in a passenger card before signing in to the accommodation. Those who reserve their accommodation through TAHKOcom Ltd, are required to fill in the electronic passenger card in my.tahko.com. Failing to provide the information required or providing incorrect information is subject to penalty under the Penal Code.

3. Cancellation and changes to reservations:

The final reservation can not be cancelled without expenses. A preliminary reservation can be cancelled without expenses till the date of confirmation. Changes in weather conditions, number of slopes or routes available, natural phenomenons, major catastrophes, epidemics, strikes, vehicle breakage, or the fact that a public transportation vehicle does not run, or changes in timetables or restrictions set by the authorities, the fact that a pet gets ill, and other such reasons do not change the cancellation terms. We recommend taking travel insurance in case of the above mentioned problems.

Cancellations must always be made in writing to TAHKOcom Ltd. Cancellation takes effect when the information arrives to TAHKOcom Ltd. Please note: The fact of not making the reservation payment is not a cancellation! If a customer does not cancel his/her reservation and the holiday home remains unsold because of the unpaid reservation made for it (which has not been cancelled in writing), the price of the reservation will be charged completely from the customer who made the reservation. The advance payment, credit card fee and the prosessing fee paid before the cancellation, will not be returned to the customer. 

If the reservation is cancelled less than 42 days before the beginning of the reservation period, the whole reservation price will be charged from the customer. If the cancellation is due to sudden illness, serious accident or death of the customer or a family member living in the same address, the customer can be refunded the payment made to TAHKOcom ltd. However, the advance 20% payment, credit card fee and the processing fee will not be refunded. The above mentioned event must be proven reliably (by official medical certificate that forbids travelling). The cancellation must be made immediately. If the cancellation is made less than 48 hours before the beginning of the reservation period, any payments will not be returned to the customer.

If the customer changes his/her reservation to another cottage/room or to another time, or cancels some of the cottages/rooms included in the reservation, the change will be considered a cancellation of the prior reservation and a new reservation. The reservation payment made can not be transferred from one apartment into another, because the holiday apartments available through TAHKOcom Ltd have hundreds of different owners and therefore transfer from the point of view of one owner is a cancellation from the point of view of another and a new deal from the point of view of another. If the reservation of travel services (for example the quantity of bed linen or other services) is changed more than once on request of the customer, a handling fee of EUR 20 will be charged for the second change and each change after that. The processing fee (EUR 20) will be added to all invoices.

4.The right of TAHKOcom ltd to cancel or change a reservation:

TAHKOcom ltd can cancel without notice a reservation which is not paid by the due date. In force majeure cases, the owner of the cottage can cancel even a paid reservation through TAHKOcom ltd. In such cases, TAHKOcom ltd will notify the customer as soon as possible and refund the customer the money paid. The liability of TAHKOcom ltd is restricted to returning the money paid only, and it has no obligation to offer the customer another cottage/room. 

5. Receiving, using and returning the keys 

You can use the holiday home from 4pm on the arrival day until noon on the departure day, except in holiday homes where the arrival and departure times vary. You can check the arrival and departure times of your holiday home in the confirmation letter or your bill. Keys to the cottages/rooms can be received from TAHKOcom CHECK-IN at the center of Tahko, unless otherwise mentioned in the information about holiday home. The customer has two keys to the cottage/room and one of them must be returned to tha TAHKOcom CHECK-IN on day of departure. If the customer loses a key, he will be charged the expenses for changing the lock.

6. Staying at the holiday home

The rent of the cottage/room includes kitchen utensils, firewood and basic accessories such as soap and toilet paper. Attention: some of the international reservations include extra services such as bed linen, final cleaning etc. Make sure to check what services are included in the accommodation price.
The customer is responsible for cleaning the cottage/room during his visit. The cottage/room should be tidy before the customer leaves the cottage at the end of the holiday. Final cleaning does not include the following tasks which we expect the customer to: taking out the trash, putting furniture and other things to their original places (unbroken), and removing possible stains, vomit and excrements. If the customer fails to perform these tasks and leaves the cottage/room untidy, the customer will be charged for the extra cleaning.  

7. Damages, defects and complaints

Complaints concerning the accommodation or any other conditions must be addressed to TAHKOcom ltd immediately when noticed, so the conditions can be improved and inconvenience minimised. The customer must also inform TAHKOcom ltd immediately on any damages caused to the cottage/room or the interior and pay full compensation. If the customer does not inform TAHKOcom ltd about the damages caused, the cost of damages will be charged according to real expenses afterwards. 

The biggest number of people allowed, staying in the holiday apartment, equals the number of beds and extra beds in the apartment, and it must not be exceeded. The number of people must be declared when making the reservation, and the parties organizing the accommodation must be registered using a passenger card. TAHKOcom Ltd, or a maintenace company authorized by it, has the right to come and check on suspicion for exceeding the number of people of a reservation, and document it, for example, by photographing and recording the information of the people who have been met on the spot. For the people staying in the holiday apartment, who have been met, and whose information has not been declared on the passenger card, will be charged an extra fee of 60 EUR/person/ day in cash and they will be immediately moved away from the holiday apartment. 
In the holiday apartment, there may be temporarily visiting, maximum, about half the number of people staying there (for example, in a cottage for 4+2 people, there may be staying max. 6 people, and there may be visiting simultaneously max 3-4 people). The general silence in the holiday apartments is from 10 pm till 06 am, and during those hours, guests are not allowed, in order to avoid causing disturbance to the neighbours. TAHKOcom Ltd, or a maintenace company, authorized by it, has the right to set also another time limit, by which the visitors will have to leave, or they will be considered as people staying in the apartment. If the extra people staying in the apartment do not go away or get accommodation for themselves somewhere else or if the come back to the holiday apartment despite the request to leave, TAHKOcom Ltd or the maintenace company authorized by it, has the right to interrupt the reservation immediately and move away the people staying in the holiday apartment and the things belonging to them. 

Staying in the holiday apartments requires respecting the owner of the holiday apartment and the neighbours, including silence from 10 pm till 06 am. The person who has made the reservation takes full responsability for the condition of the holiday apartment as well as good neighbourly relations. Any threat to the property and public disorders must be reported immediately to TAHKOcom Ltd or to a maintenace company authorized by it. If a person staying in the apartment or a guest, despite a notification or remark, given by TAHKOcom Ltd or maintenace company representative authorized by it, does not cease to cause disturbance or danger in the holiday apartment or in the neighbourhood, TAHKOcom Ltd or the maintenance company authorized by it, has the right to interrupt the reservation immediately. 
If TAHKOcom Ltd, or a maintenace company authorized by it, has to interfere in abuse taking place during the reservation, more than once, costs for the visits will be charged conforming to the working hours, according to the realization, taking into account the cost rises in the nighttime and during holidays.

9. Camping, recreational vehicles 

Camping in the yard and parking areas of the holiday apartments is forbidden in all forms (=sleeping in recreational vehicles and campers, tents, other cars, on terraces or in the open air is not allowed even at Midsummer). Violating the ban on camping will result in immediate interruption of the reservation. 
The owner of the holiday apartment may consider to permit or forbid, in advance, when asked, parking of a recreational vehicle and possible current feed for a vehicle and set a price for them. Recreational vehicles must not be parked without an advance permission in the yards of holiday apartments or parking places. For a recreational vehicle that is parked without permission or current taken for it will be charged minimum 60 EUR fee. If TAHKOcom Ltd, or a maintenance company authorized by it, has to interfere in abuse taking place during the reservation, more than once, costs for the visits will be charged conforming to the working hours, according to the realization, taking into account the cost rises in the nighttime and during holidays. Minimum charge is 60 EUR. 

10. Smoking, pets, lost property 

Smoking is allowed only outside the holiday apartments, in the area reserved for that purpose. Smoking inside the apartment will lead to interruption of the reservation and, in addition, a ventilation fee of 100 EUR will be charged. 

As a rule, bringing a pet to the holiday apartments we provide, is forbidden, in some of the apartments the reason is the allergy of the holiday apartment owner, in others it is the owner’s own pet. Please check in advance the description of the holiday apartment to see if pets are allowed in the holiday apartment you have reserved. You must always inform TAHKOcom Ltd about bringing a pet to the holiday apartment. Bringing a pet to a holiday apartment, in which they are allowed, we charge, depending on the apartment, 30 – 50 EUR / reservation. For pets that are brought in without permission, an extra fee of 60 EUR / reservation is charged in cash and the reservation may be interrupted. 

Due to high consumption of water and firewood, all kinds of swimming pools and tubs, both rented and brought yourself, are forbidden on the yards of all holiday homes. They can cause disturbance to neighbors, as well as cause erosion and slipperiness. In some holiday homes tubs are allowed, in which case this is mentioned in the information of the holiday home. In all other cases, tubs are absolutely forbidden. If this rule is broken, an instant fee of 1000 Euros in cash will be executed and the accommodation reservation cancelled immediately. 

Lost and found property will be delivered to the local lost property office, where you can enquire about them. Tahko Lost & Found, phone +358 50 539 0986 . 

11. Defects of the holiday apartment and reclamations 

All remarks relating to the equipment and condition of the holiday apartment must be addressed immediately to TAHKOcom Ltd or a maintenace company authorized by it, so that they can be, according to possibilities, repaired or compensated. If a defect can not be compensated immediately, a reclamation in writing on the matter must be done immediately. Complaints made afterwards will not be taken into account. 
Floor plans of the holiday apartments do not show the exact details and so, for example, furniture arranged in a different order, or closets locked so that only the owner can use them, do not give right to make a reclamation. TAHKOcom Ltd is not responsible for those errors in the advance information of holiday apartments, which have arisen after the moment of making the reservation, due to a sudden change in circumstances (for example, blue-green alga, change in the snow or ice situation, construction works on the neighbouring lots, forestry works near the lot, changes in the outdoor recreation network, in the location of restaurants or shops and so on) or due to changes, made by the owner, in equipment and or other such things, about which TAHKOcom Ltd has not been informed, or due to problems caused by a third party (for example, snow ploughing, roadwork, interruptions in water supply, sewerage or electricity network, in telecommunication on television network. 

TAHKOcom is not responsibile for problems with allergies or other such things caused to the customers due to smoking, dust, impurities of air or water, interior or coating materials, domestic or wild animals, plants or any other things. If the holiday apartment has not been separately mentioned as an allergy apartment, it is probable that the owner of the apartment in which keeping pets is forbidden, has a pet him/herself. 

If the customer and TAHKOcom Ltd are not able to come to an understanding on the above mentioned matters, the customer can hand over the controversial case to consumer disputes board for handling. 

12. Charging of electric car

Charging of electric and hybrid cars is only allowed if this is mentioned in the description of the holiday home. A charging fee may apply. 

13. Campaigns and offers

In addition to these booking terms, special terms may apply to campaigns and offers, which can be found in the offer and campaign materials. Offers and campaigns are valid only during the periods specified in the special terms and apply only to new bookings. Multiple campaigns or offers cannot be combined, even if they are valid at the same time.

14. Hot tubs and swimming pools

Due to the high consumption of water and firewood, all kinds of hot tubs and swimming pools, whether brought by guests or rented, are prohibited on the premises of holiday homes. They also cause disturbances to neighbors, and the drainage water leads to erosion and slipperiness. In a few holiday homes, hot tubs are allowed, which will be mentioned separately in the holiday home information (however, bringing a hot tub must always be reported to TAHKOcom Oy). Otherwise, the prohibition is absolute, and any violation will result in an immediate cash penalty of €1000 and the termination of the accommodation booking.

15. Holiday home grills

The grills at the holiday homes are available only during the summer season unless otherwise stated. The use and cleaning of the holiday home grills are the responsibility of the customer. An additional fee of €100 will be charged for uncleaned grills. Gas grills come with a gas bottle. For charcoal grills, customers must provide their own charcoal. In some holiday homes, the grill is available for an additional fee, and this will be mentioned separately in the property details.


Central Booking office TAHKOcom Ltd
Tahkolaaksontie 4 a, 73310 TAHKOVUORI, FINLAND
tel. +358 300  870 787 ( 0,65 €/min )